Therapeutic Support

Community Care is a provider of therapeutic care based on scientific and evidence-backed research practices, to ensure that you benefit from all-round growth and well-being. Having recognised the importance of therapy, our professionals assess your general health to ensure that you provided the therapeutic support that you may need.
Community Care Australia began with a goal to support participants with disabilities in ways that can enable them to pursue their paths independently. We aim to create a space that cares about their aspirations and prods them towards these unfulfilled ambitions. Our team continually strives to improve to ensure that our participants receive the kind of love and encouragement that they deserve.
Community Care Australia creates a space where one can embrace their abilities, maximize their potential
Community Care Australia began with the goal to support the differently-abled community in ways that can enable them to pursue their paths independently.
We are driven solely by the aim to empower individuals like your loved ones, to explore their potential and engage in activities that they’ve always enjoyed doing.

Our allied health professionals will team up with you to maximise your health, posture, mobility and function. It might be the skills required for daily functioning i.e. learning to walk again; prescribing mobility equipment and assistive technology, or
learning a movement to make your journey easy and convenient – if that’s your goal, we’ll help you achieve it.

Being well is about identifying areas that can be enhanced in order for you to feel more confident, independent, mobile, mentally strong and physically in control.

Explore enhanced independence, mobility nutrition, mental strength and physical comfort.

Contact us
Visit for more information and to directly get in touch with us for any enquiries.

Benefits of Therapeutic Support:

  • Regular Assessments and Systematic Treatment
    We assess the overall health of our participants on a regular basis and maintain a general trajectory of growth to track personal progress.
  • Physiotherapy
    Physiotherapy focuses on the physical and bodily aspects of a participant, rehabilitates and maintains their functionality and overall mobility.
  • Speech Therapy
    Speech Pathologists work on the communicational aspects involving the oral function, therefore improving the general functionality of the mouth.
  • Occupational Therapy
    Occupational Therapists work on the skills required for daily functioning, such as practical and essential abilities used in daily life.
  • Psychological Therapy
    Our Psychologists and Psychiatrists look into the mental well-being of participants, by focusing on tracing behaviours and actions that can help in understanding oneself better

What we Offer

  • Innovative Community participation
  • Participation in community, social and civic activities
  • Group and centre-based activities
  • Social outings and exploration
  • Creative games that promote learning and independent participation


Do I need to be referred by a doctor?

No, it is not necessary to be referred by a particular doctor for you to visit our professionals. If you find that you are struggling in some of these areas, visiting and discussing them with us would clarify what can be done further.

Do you provide services at home?

Yes, our professionals can visit you at home. You or your loved ones can discuss the details of your appointment or obtain therapeutic support consistently in the place you want it at.

Will I be provided wheelchair support?

Our staff will take care of any needs that you would like us to cover. Your personal caregiver will ensure that you are comfortable and safe in any of the activities that you participate in.

What would a typical session look like?

At first, the therapist you pick from your chosen field will try to understand your needs, goals, and overall well-being. A plan will be made to ensure you efficiently do the exercises to retain your health. The session includes performing activities, discussing personal health and details on life.

What clients do you work with?

We work with participants from all age groups. For us, identity is not so crucial unless medically related. Feel free to visit our centre in Perth for further details.

  • Their words

Susan Thomas

Community Care Australia is like a second home to us now. My son is so comfortable here that I can rest assured knowing he is living his best life with the right people taking care of him.

Niraj Kothari

My brother has changed so much since joining Community Care Australia – I’m stunned by his growth. The team here is so receptive with feedback as well that there is continual progress on all fronts.