
Community Care Australia has a broad range of accommodation options for everyone in supported living arrangements at or away from home.
Community Care Australia creates a space where one can embrace their abilities, maximize their potential
Community Care Australia began with the goal to support the differently-abled community in ways that can enable them to pursue their paths independently.
We are driven solely by the aim to empower individuals like your loved ones, to explore their potential and engage in activities that they’ve always enjoyed doing.

You may choose to share the house with like-minded people or live independently where you receive support with daily living activities. If you have higher needs and require a supported living option such as shared housing, our support workers will be there to take care of all your day-to-day needs, from domestic tasks and personal care, right through to daily outings. If your goal is to live as independently as possible, we’ll support you to do as much for yourself as you feel is needed to make daily life work for you.

Not ready to move out permanently? A short-term stay away from your normal activities can be refreshing for you while helping you to develop, maintain or support independent living and a chance to make new friends or develop new skills. This gives your carers/parents a short break from their caring role.

What We Offer:

  • Arrangement of transportation and Travel Assist
  • Disability-friendly equipment required for travel
  • Assistance in travel-related tasks such as schemes and permits

NDIS Travel Assistance

Since the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding covers travel and transport support, we can help you find plans that suit your interests best so you have no worries regarding the costs of these services.


How can a travel assistant improve my health?

Not only will travel assistants be available to help you in your travels and journeys outside your home, but they also focus on improving your overall mobility and physical strength.

Where can I get your services?

Please visit our center in Perth to know more about our services. Once the necessary procedures are completed, a caregiver can start assisting you for travel.

Is travel assist covered under NDIS?

Yes, NDIS transport provides funding to pay support workers to assist you with travel and costs that cover any outings and trips. Depending on the type of plan, the range of services under travel assist will vary.

Will your travel support go with me to a new city?

We assist in various situations, including travels to new, faraway destinations for a limited period. You will need to discuss the trip’s details to confirm the appointment, and our travel assistant can help you plan your trip further.

Will I have to pay for the tickets for my travel assistant?

Wherever you go, you will have to take care of the extra payments involved for our workers. However, if the NDIS funds you, special provisions allow your funding to be directed towards these aspects. You can also choose an appropriate plan that grants you more budget for travel support.

  • Their words

Susan Thomas

Community Care Australia is like a second home to us now. My son is so comfortable here that I can rest assured knowing he is living his best life with the right people taking care of him.

Niraj Kothari

My brother has changed so much since joining Community Care Australia – I’m stunned by his growth. The team here is so receptive with feedback as well that there is continual progress on all fronts.